Using Digital Image Correlation to Measure Large Areas of Strain and Displacement

During component testing, strain and displacement data are often critical for fully documenting the behavior of the component. Strain is typically measured using bonded strain gages while displacement is measured with a string potentiometer or a linear variable differential...

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Sep 2020

An Overview on Acoustic Emission Testing

When materials are cracking, deforming or otherwise becoming damaged, they produce a kind of sound. Sometimes, these sounds are loud and obvious. Other times, they are much more subtle, and to detect them, you need to use specialized equipment. Detecting these subtler sounds...

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Mar 2020

The Cost of Shipping… Air?

About four years ago, when my colleague and I were visiting the R&D packaging facility of a major snack food company, we noticed that a packaging engineer was manually filling a newly developed chip product into a clear plastic tube repetitively and taking the fill height...

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Dec 2019

In-Plant Unit Load Transportation Integrity Testing and Improvement

It is quite possible that there has never been a more revolutionary period of change in the history of packaging. With the advent of e-commerce and a seriously strong focus on sustainability, there have never been more simultaneously competing requirements on the successful transport...

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Jul 2019

The True Value of Subsea Emergency Pipeline Repair Systems

The consequences of subsea pipeline emergencies can often be catastrophic, both environmentally and financially. A large, uncontrolled pipeline breach has the potential to financially devastate a company, causing them to face long-term loss of revenue, crippling environmental...

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Jan 2019

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Testing

A key issue with lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology is thermal safety. With the proliferation of portable electronics and growth of the electric vehicle market, the demand for smaller and lighter batteries with greater capacity has never been higher. This increased demand and...

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Oct 2018

In-Silico Package Transit Testing for E-commerce

The Census Bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that the first quarter 2018 e-commerce estimate ($123.7 billion) increased 16.4 percent from the first quarter of 2017. E-commerce sales in the first quarter of 2018 accounted for 9.5 percent of total sales. The...

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Jul 2018

Flow Corrosion Effects Using Jet Impingement Corrosion Testing

Jet impingement testing is effectively employed to study the effects of flow on the corrosion of materials, and the effects of flow on corrosion inhibitor performance. Stress Engineering Services has improved and refined this technique to allow both in-depth scientific investigations...

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Apr 2018

Crack Management In Vintage Pipelines

Interpreting In-Line Inspection Data to Help Eliminate Unnecessary Digs In-line inspection (ILI) tools are a rapidly evolving technology for ensuring the integrity of pipelines that are susceptible to crack anomalies. Several vendors offer ultrasonic crack-detection (UTCD) tools...

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Feb 2018

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