Stress Engineering Services has a long history of involvement with the design and analysis of consumer products and packaging. Beginning in the mid-1980’s, we pioneered the use of computer-based analysis tools to evaluate and improve the designs of plastic bottles and closures. These advancements were based on our experience with threaded connections in the energy industry and launched what has become a cornerstone of our business practice.
Our strength is in our ability to synthesize new market demand with the creation of high value product and packaging experiences. Our teams of strategists, industrial designers and engineers build on user, customer, and market insights to create viable-to-breakthrough innovation. Together with Force-4, our design and innovation division, we can seamlessly connect world class engineering earlier as well as comprehensively throughout the development process as needed. This enables us to do more with less, increase speed to market and significantly reduce the chances of product and packaging issues after launch.
Smart ideas for a smart world.
We integrate our engineering expertise with creative design, product testing, materials evaluation, manufacturing, and failure analysis to create a development and problem-solving environment that is unique and capable of delivering high performance products, quickly and reliably. In addition, our staff has extensive expertise with the economics of product development and manufacturing, which is leveraged throughout the development process to ensure the projects are successful from the marketing, R&D, manufacturing, and financial perspectives.
Consumer Packaging
The market demands on packaging have never been greater. The constant need for market differentiation combined with standardization in manufacturing and fulfillment creates a constant challenge for innovation. Packaging has so many points of significance for a business and a brand. It has always been about protection and some communication of brand experience.
Consumer Products
The world that surrounds products today grows increasingly complex. No product can thrive without a multi-dimensional strategy. Considerations for the message, experience, sustainability, omnichannel influence, and stratifying markets are just some of the factors that must be well-thought-out for success. What does not change is the need to meet shifting market demand with advanced- to breakthrough products that get noticed.
If you would like more information on Stress Engineering Services, please call us at 281.955.2900, or complete the following form and one of our representatives contact you shortly. For a complete listing of contact information, visit our Locations page.
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