Noise & Vibration

Sound Pressure & Vibration Testing Services Stress Engineering Services has a long history of providing noise and vibration solutions as they apply to structures, equipment, machinery, consumer products, medical devices, systems, pipelines, vessels and more. We specialize in...

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May 2021
May 2021

Full-Scale Testing

Full-Scale Testing and Analysis At Stress Engineering Services, we have the expertise, equipment, and capacity to meet your full-scale mechanical testing needs. Our more than 130,000 square feet of test lab space houses an extensive array of testing equipment, giving us the...

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May 2021

Field Testing

Field Testing and Analysis Services Real-world problems can’t always be examined in a laboratory – that is why we offer an array of field testing services in a number of industry sectors. Our engineers and technicians are widely experienced in conducting field tests and...

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May 2021

Digital Image Correlation

Stress Engineering Services uses Digital Image Correlation (DIC) to monitor and measure three-dimensional full-field deformations and strains. This non-contact optical technique can measure displacements and strains on almost any material with high accuracy. Our DIC system can be...

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May 2021


Advanced integrity management through automated data analysis and predictive modeling Assets operating in taxing environments present tremendous challenges in maintaining safety, integrity and operability: challenges that industry meets with perseverance and innovation. Many...

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May 2021

SES IoT Applications Laboratory

The Stress Engineering IoT Applications Lab® is an advanced facility dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and the emerging Digital Revolution involving product, equipment, and manufacturing system applications. Our labs provide full...

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May 2021

Digital Solutions Group

Automated Engineering Insight for Real-Time Operations Stress Engineering Services is a global leader in the development and adoption of cutting-edge technologies that deliver superior performance and sustainability. It is the mission of our Digital Solutions Group to transform...

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May 2021

Contact Us

If you would like more information on Stress Engineering Services, please call us at 281.955.2900, or complete the following form and one of our representatives contact you shortly. For a complete listing of contact information, visit our Locations page.

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